Sunday, April 15, 2007

i watched ten commandments yesterday. i was inspired. yet again. but i couldn't help but pity the egyptians. i think i'll watch prince of egypt soon. the effects cooler. then again, it is a cartoon.

i watched corpse bride. it was nice. for a while, i thought victoria might have never gotten to marry victor. but things sorted out in the end. but even then, i felt sorry for emily who still didnt get married in the end. at least, she moved on to a better place in the end i think. funny though. i see alot of myself in victor. people are so hostile. wonder why.

i think tim burton rocks. loved all of his movies so far. big fish was THE best. i was damn sad at the end of the movie. but it was very very nice. i'm a sensitive person you know? i get moved easily. all right. maybe not that easily. i think i'll do that "whats the soundtrack of your life" thing soon. saw it off someone's blog.

this weekend was productive. i shall allow myself some time off. at least i didnt end up missing much like those archery interviews which i last minute not allowed to attend.

here's to hoping that chelsea will lose.

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